Tuesday, January 25, 2005


So one of our obsessions is European Burmese cats, OK? We took Topaz, our 5 month old blue kitten, to her first show last weekend. The Notts and Derby Cat show was brilliantly organised and we were made to feel very welcome. Topaz, alternatively known as 'Yoda', did very well. She was pipped by an elder half-sister in her open class, but shone as a debutante kitten and earned herself two red rosettes and two blue. More important, she behaved impeccably. We have discussed this significant event with anybody who would listen. Our most heartfelt thanks go to Mrs. Barbara Parry, Topaz's breeder, without whom we would never have experienced this divine madness.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Intelligent Disdain

Don't know if I'm miffed or spiffed 'cos I sent P.Z.Myers (Pharyngula) a comment today and he put a BIG link to it, but no hat tip 'cos he doesn't know about my blog. Anyway, go check out http://felbers.net/mt/

Sunday, January 02, 2005


What is it that sustains me through the traditional christmas festival? Well, principally, the company of people I like and time to play chess. In case you are wondering 'why should I read this drivel?'; if you don't play chess stop now. If you do, then visit gameknot http://gameknot.com/list_games.pl?rnd=4108. It is an excellent site where you can play free correspondence or blitz chess. There is little in my life more fascinating than a chess problem accompanied by a glass of wine and a boofycat. Feel free to skip the boofycat if you must. Happy new year.