Saturday, April 29, 2006

A Short Treatise on the Dietary Preferences of Boofykatz

Ptolemy (our neuter cream Burmese boy) has always been very discriminating in his diet, but in the oddest way. He would eat nothing but cat food. The choicest delicacies, such as lean minced beef or lightly cooked chicken or tuna, would be ignored; which was good news for Topaz, who never evinced such scruples. Now things have changed. During Topaz's pregnancy, and now she is feeding her kittens, she needed a high protein diet. In addition to the delicacies mentioned above we replaced her normal cat food rations with kitten food. Guess what? Ptolemy really likes kitten food. So much so, in fact, that he has taken to stealing the foil sachets from the box, savaging them and putting the contents in a safe place - his tummy.

Is this, we wonder, the feline equivalent of that human craving for 'nursery food'?

Saturday, April 22, 2006


First close up of one of Topaz's kittens. Nice rounded head and a good nose break, with the ears set well to the side. Is this gorgeous or is it?

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

In Praise of What's Under the Bushell

I am bombarded with corporate literature about values, successes and initiatives; only to find that my annual bonus is nil pounds because the business is performing like a lead duck. This article in today's Times strikes a chord. One of the reasons I am so enamoured of living flesh, be it lover, daughter, kitten or friend, is that I can direct my senses to discovering the veracity of my ideas about these entities. As for the corporate entities upon which I, and my beloveds, depend for our sustenance - it is appalling that we are compelled to wallow in a mire of corporate incompetence, self interest, bad spelling, syntax and grammar, and general narcissistic indulgence; but I suppose it has always been thus. I think that the pull of communism was a recognition of this tribal sickness, a pricipaled action by a middle class elite with no better ideology in view. I have some sympathy with Philby, Blunt, Burgess and McClean - perhaps they saw a free market 1984 and thought genuine totalitarianism more honest?

Sunday, April 16, 2006


That, in case you cannot make out the rather dodgy image, is Topaz's milk bar and the baby boofies. They are absolutely gorgeous and she is being a really great mum. Well done Artro Blue Topaz; we are, to use the vernacular, made up!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Free Will

OK, so whats going on here then? Dickhead promises his G O D something P A I N F U L L. Dickhead gets lots of spondulix. Dickhead bottles out at last minute. I, as an atheist, am somewhat less inclined to attribute moral fortitude to G O D botherers.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

So which newspaper shall I read today..

On a day when the Times seemed obsessed by avian flue (dead swan in Scotland) and pensions (politicians pay lip service to expensive 'independent' report), I was mightily impressed by two pieces in the Guardian. Were it not for Polly Toynbee's kneejerk Labourism; not socialism because Tony Blair has long forsaken that ideal; I would certainly become a Guardian afficianado. The articles I so heartily recommend are this fantastic piece by Jenni Russell on how New Labour are eroding, even demolishing, our political checks and balances and this article by a well known and respected Clinton advisor on how the celebrated ethnic musician and Republican apologist Condominium Rights is sending her public servants into battle with no body armour. This is good stuff people. Read and, if you can be arsed, comment.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

There's a bloke.. down our chipshop swears he's Elvis, but he's a liar and I'm not sure about you. Give Andy Gregory and the delightful Carol a huge mwaaagh!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Expecting Happiness

Imagine a rugby ball. Now give it a soft blue/grey pelt. Stick a pipe cleaner on each corner and add a tail and a gremlin face. Topaz has doubled in girth over the past seven weeks. We are all at once excited and fearful. Will the births be normal? How many kittens? What colours will they be? Will she be a good mother? Interesting times.