Fish and Faith
Joy. My pair of Laetacara curviceps are herding a cloud of fry. Other than this family there are only a couple of small loricarids and one female A.macmasterii in the tank. Hopefully the curviceps will be able to raise at least a few of the fry. They are absolutely dedicated parents at the moment.
On the subject of fish, from today's Times:
From Mr Samuel Blanning
Sir, While Amir Taheri makes a good argument on some very controversial points, I fear that few Muslims will be enticed to “compete in the global market place of faiths”, which conjures up images of imams competing with priests and rabbis to offer more milk and honey than their competitors, better deals for converts and lower tithes.
Religion is, of course, the ultimate brand, but I imagine that many Muslims see faith as a higher calling than selling fish.
SAMUEL BLANNINGOcean Village, Southampton
A good point Mr Blanning, but you might have added that anyone with half an ounce of critical faculty sees selling fish as a higher calling than peddling the rantings of a seventh century bandit.
On the subject of fish, from today's Times:
From Mr Samuel Blanning
Sir, While Amir Taheri makes a good argument on some very controversial points, I fear that few Muslims will be enticed to “compete in the global market place of faiths”, which conjures up images of imams competing with priests and rabbis to offer more milk and honey than their competitors, better deals for converts and lower tithes.
Religion is, of course, the ultimate brand, but I imagine that many Muslims see faith as a higher calling than selling fish.
SAMUEL BLANNINGOcean Village, Southampton
A good point Mr Blanning, but you might have added that anyone with half an ounce of critical faculty sees selling fish as a higher calling than peddling the rantings of a seventh century bandit.