Thursday, March 09, 2006

Earth Shaking Poetic Confession..

I have felt, since my late teens, some affinity with poets; and have written some execrable poetry. That is no reason why you should be spared and, anyway, this is probbly the best poem what I 'ave wrote for years. Go easy on the plaudits - I might have a Withnail heart...


Drink your wine son, drink it down
You’ll never need to chance
Your insulated self-obsessed
Persona at the disco

Dance your life son, dance along
You’ll never need to stop
To think, to doubt, to introspect
What gets you to the

Top your truth son, cut it down
All ideas are one
Shit’s as good as beans on toast
When love for truth has gone.


Blogger TenDollarMan said...

I like poetry. 'Specially limericks. They are the highest form of the art.

And as for whether your cat is pregnant, I have this to say: It is highly irresponsible of you to allow any feline in your care to become pregnant, as this will almost certainly lead to an increase in the number of cats in the universe. This inevitably causes greater human suffering because, as any fewl kno, cats are evil bastards.

Grow dogs instead. They are better, and some even eat cats.

2:49 pm  

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