Wednesday, October 04, 2006

God is...

Having been inspired by a Guardian piece about Richard Dawkins new polemic, The God Delusion, I was impelled by a rare bout of insomnia to reconsider my atheism. What would it take for me to 'believe in God'?
Q.1 What is God? - any coherent answer more specific than 'everything'.
Q.2 Where is God? - any coherent answer other than 'everywhere' or 'in the mind of the believer'.
Q.3 Why is God? - any remotely likely answer other than 'because we invented God'.
Why is the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Because of the antigravity meatballs entrapped in its immortal coils!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

I'd like to take a stab at your questions regarding God...

What is God? He is a being with a corporeal body, that is perfected. He is the father of our spirts, therefore we are sons and daughters of God.

Where is God? I'm not quite sure I know the answer to that question. It's not like He's got a GPS that we can use to track him. Because He has a physical body, He is unable to *be* everywhere. Therefore, the third member of the Godhead, the holy spirit, a being without a corporeal body, *can* be most anywhere. His influence is felt in your heart and in your mind.

As for your question Why is God I'm not sure I have a good answer. For me, I believe God is our loving parent, who sent us here to learn, to grow, to see if we would be obeidient to His laws, and to have joy. (and no, I don't believe that obedience to God's laws and joy are two mutually exclusive items)

I do, however, find the Flying Spaghetti Monster quite amusing.

7:53 pm  
Blogger MikeS said...

I'd like to take a stab at your questions regarding God...

What is God? He is a being with a corporeal body, that is perfected. He is the father of our spirts, therefore we are sons and daughters of God.

Where is the 'corporeal body'? can I have a photograph please? What is perfection? Is that perfection as determined by 'people', the clergy, or the ineffable being itself? If the latter, how are we to recognise ineffable perfection?

Where is God? I'm not quite sure I know the answer to that question. It's not like He's got a GPS that we can use to track him. Because He has a physical body, He is unable to *be* everywhere. Therefore, the third member of the Godhead, the holy spirit, a being without a corporeal body, *can* be most anywhere. His influence is felt in your heart and in your mind.

Not in my mind, and my heart just beats, it doesn't think. If we can't track him, and we can't show anyone else where she is, what objective evidence do we have of its existence? If there is no objective evidence, what reason do we have for believing she/he/it/they exist?

As for your question Why is God I'm not sure I have a good answer. For me, I believe God is our loving parent, who sent us here to learn, to grow, to see if we would be obeidient to His laws, and to have joy. (and no, I don't believe that obedience to God's laws and joy are two mutually exclusive items)

Your answer, well meant I'm sure, is not an answer. I asked why, you answered 'what'. The philosophical isue is that if the answer to 'why' questions is 'God', what is the answer to 'why god'?

1:06 am  

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