Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Boris and the Beasts

I've just had the hair tearing agony of hearing the epistemological retard Peter Hitchens debate with the uncommonly reasonable Boris Johnson on Eddie Mayer's PM programme. The subject? Dominic Grieve's assertion that he found the London suicide bombings explicable in terms of the deep anger of Muslims. Peter Hitchens had conflated this point about explication with some sort of apologia and launched an entirely unwarranted attack on Grieve and the Tory party in general. Boris tried to point out that to explain a thing is not to condone or excuse it. Hitchens chimed in with some deist pap about moral explanation... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Kill Boris. What annoyed me even more was that Mayer let Hitchens get away with his straw man routine.


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