Wednesday, August 24, 2005


A weasel word if ever there was one. Literally 'writing', this greek derived term is used to suggest that some document or other is the word of 'god'. The problem is, peeps, that there are many scriptures and they are often downright contradictory. The Torah suggests that the Jews are the chosen people, the Quran somewhat excludes Jews and Christians, written accounts of native American oral traditions give a fig, or should that be a blueberry?, for neither and the Norse sagas would have us giving due regard to Odin, Loki, Thor and co. What evidence is there, other than frail human assertion, that any of these is other than the work of men? If my neighbour posts a note through my letterbox saying that John Prescott is God's chosen, should I rush out to make offerings at the nearest school for the dyslexic?


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