Friday, April 01, 2005


A pundit on Radio 4 this morning affirmed that the world was waiting to hear about the efficacy of the Pope's medical treatment. This portentious twit was obviously ignorant of the fact that most of us are waiting to hear about said Pontiff's demise. From today's Times...
'Critics will attempt to portray him as a reactionary who refused to budge on issues such as artificial birth control, divorce and married priests. Yet many people, especially those of faith, will revere him as a prophetic voice who stood firm against a tide of secularism that was threatening to consign traditional ethics in the western world to oblivion.'
What are these traditional ethics? Not those of Plato or Aristotle. Not those of Cicero or, dare I say it, Yeshua. They are the ethics of a monolithic organisation the first priority of which has always been to ensure its own continued existence, at any cost. One word will suffice to demonstrate the Catholic church's ethical vacuity - AIDS


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